A Perfection in making

Fight every battle, everywhere in your mind, everyone is your enemy and everyone is your friend. Every possible series of events are happening all at once. Live that way and nothing will surprise you. Everything that happens will be something you have seen before. Let’s be calm have a comfortable seat make your spine straight long bend are memories. Today don’t let your past sway don’t let the disappointments persuade, just today we’ll rejoice being failed in every convinceable way. Today we’ll play the game of accusations and acceptance today we’ll tangle to be strangled in billions of events, where every broken heart is right only to be wrong with every single expectation you carried all the way. Yes, you have the liberty to think let’s start with someone you love or love, someone you envied or admired as it’s more painful that way, it’ll resonate the echoes of lament, those I want to cherish willingly to exploit the consciousness. Unleashing the weak you, grieving for sympathy. It’s an unfair world, my friend. The beginners and novice accept to settle do tell what are your preferences. No one to oblige and no one to obligate, call me rude yet I’ll always be the reflection you hide, better face it colonel you’re army isn’t there anymore the mutiny has burned the inferno it’s the raging fire, the wrath of the cause and effect.  Be ready to hear the knock be ready to face the wild spring in the vulnerable autumn of your empire as when emotions rush when anger blush it just takes a spark to cremate. No wonder that you twinkled, I saw the eyelids pale and broken, it’s not what you think anymore. Finally, the inception has arrived, lucky you’re I gave the opportunity to choose. After this chameleon, there won’t be changing sides. Bold and defensive is Black the subtly scrutinized walls of oblivion, sharp cut of the mellow time, high and rigid they stand coarsely. It’s easy to take them for granted it’s easy to laugh over your demise one you don’t see at present. Those pawns are barrels of vast destruction the construction of strings & the pearl you see but could never reach. Your endeavors will die with starvation a single wrong step a step of failed aggression, and there you’re long gone in the agony of simplified defeat in summarization.OK, you opted the white can feel your burning invasion, can hear the loop of melancholy in your heart, sorry to say but there’s a devoid of illusion. You can attack but in the ambiance of repulsion, the ground will be mine the fortress solely ready and secure. You wish to inhibit so wished your successors. Death, wrapped with fragile forgiveness of begged mercy. The slaughterhouse I keep open, be my guest… take a look. I’ll bathe in bloodshed, don’t fear it’s only the hatred glowing. Adjust your piece, do strategize, plan, and realize. A fair game as I’ll be there, waiting for a sensitive emotional exaggeration, one you’re bound to make. I have seen the foreseen to the rhythmic extent. You’re kind there is empathy in your eyes, I know you’re delicate to your realm as there’s respect even in your spies. Dear, you forgot the fear of the unknown, I keep them strangled and deprived. We are opposite, poles apart as they say you’re wise, just a ghost of haunted knowledge. I comprehend how you’ll embrace the death, it’s a war be ready to sacrifice be ready to exchange. A symbolic perfectionist in pursuit of excellence, I envy you I’m jealous.  I see your moves are calculated and precise lucky to see you advanced. I was attached with my bishop glued diagonally the maneuver you took the advantage of, glad finally you have shaken my horizon. Well, the art is in not laying your morale down. I’m the forfeit king stalemate, as they say. Surrounded and devasted, thrown like a prisoner naked and looted. Still, it’s not a defeat we both are equal the subset of everything and nothing, remorse but nowhere near unfortunate. No place to move nor a block to exceed in this madness, the calculated risk you forgot to calculate. See you later, with another beginning with my queen next to me with my rooks ready to castle with my knight ready to bewilder, see you in another duel with my pawns chanting with the spear.
Don’t know whether I should scream or laugh as it all depends on how you’ll react, it’s something neither I’m prepared for neither was you? Simply demented or insane in the game of predictions, finally I have taken the risk, not benevolent I seek the atrocious and menace. Among billion of moves, there’s only a single correct advancement the triumph is still far, whose flag will it be the future has always been there to plunge and betray. Are you the prey or predator my friend prepare your answers well, under your corrupt calligraphy here I stand cacophonic, in reminiscence? Let’s brace who I was and what I have become a journey of randomness as it’s time to change your plans, I have changed mine. The game will turn, the sentiments will usher. The victory is yours and the victory is mine the defeat was yours the defeat which refused to accept the unaccepted child. The haphazard is not perfect yet it’s unlike and unpredictable, it’s young and mature it’s both magic and the fantasy in destruction, I know it’s not what you expected the turmoil of threshold will arrive grab the opportunity and it’s better to enter the nullified void. Hush……… I have been through what you’ll see Hush……..it’s shocking and surprising it’s scary and wild, just whisper in this game of chess it’s ok to be polite by being yourself, the slayer is an extrovert the slain was a silent introvert. I wonder who I was and what I have become, failed in being everyone else failed in being myself won and defeated In the game I created for no-one else.No desire if it’ not forbidden, To be hostile is to be a victim

Not only creative life and one with enjoyment are beautiful, if there’s a meaning in life then there must be a meaning in suffering.

By- Kshitij Sinha