As it rains and as I'll dwell in the finest of red The music of Lo-fi and the drops of disguise What has brought you here? I asked "The crave of your presence" tepid drops replied As I'll light and drag the cigarette of death As I'll asphyxiate my lungs to the extent On edge above you, me, and everyone else Soon my presence will be lost...Soon my touch, my hands, my kiss, and our talks Soon they'll be nothing more than just a regret of past It's been a week since I left...Tomorrow it'll be a decade And as I'll wake'll be an eternity of mindfulness A mind where was you and your thoughts A mind fixated on them...holding and never lettig go of your arms As it rains and as the leaves turn green As the seed grows into a tree...Pigeons will find their abode Squirrels will be up and running...Under the hue of the sky Everyone will have their home Chasing a four-walled cocoon...It'll be me Without a shelter, nobody to call my own By: Kshitij Sinha 12/08/2022